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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Discipline: What If We Let the Little Things Slide?

“Until we have learned to take care of the little opportunities life brings our way, we will never master the disciplines for becoming happy and prosperous. The major accomplishments in life begin with the mastery of the small disciplines.” – Jim Rohn in his book Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle

“Man must be disciplined”, says Immanuel Kant, “for he is by nature raw and wild.”
We have impulses, tendencies, and desires that run counter to what we really want to do. Discipline allows us to live our life the way we intend to. Discipline is the use of willpower over unhealthy urges, irrational desires, bad habits, and negative thoughts and emotions that can take control of our life if we yield to them.

In his book Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle, Jim Rohn wrote “The smallest disciplines, practiced every day, start an incredible process that can change our lives forever.” He urged that “We must discipline ourselves to convert dreams into plans, and plans into goals, and goals into those small daily activities that will lead us, one sure step at a time, toward a better future.”

What if we play just one more game? What if we skip our morning exercise just for a day? What if we eat just one more slice of pie? What if we postpone just for an hour? What if we let the little things slide?
Letting the little things slide can make a big difference in our life. Just as a little achievement can bring us closer to success, letting little things slide can take us down to failure with the passing of time. We can prevent the negative tendencies of life from messing our plans to attain our goals through the consistent practice of discipline. Letting the little things slide can start eroding all of our disciplines including the big and important ones. Our life is shaped by every choice and every decision we make from the really big ones to the little day to day activities. We must not allow “letting the little things slide” take away our dreams.

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