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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Depression: What If You Are Not OK?

If you are not OK, flush out your negative emotions and immerse yourself in positive thoughts. Take action to transform your problems into remarkable experiences. Set goals to whirl your scars into stars.

It happens at times that things get tough. When you are overwhelmed by financial difficulties, health challenges, relationship problems, or painful losses, you buckle at the force of the heavy burden that you have to endure. It is like finding yourself hanging on to something that will soon break. What if you give up before it finally breaks? What if you accept defeat before the struggle is over? What if negative emotions are gobbling up your will to go on? What if you are so depressed that you want to quit, pack up and run away from life? What if you are not OK?

Stress and anxiety can kick people to an emotional imbalance and knock them down to a pit of depression where the level of positive emotions has gone very low. During tough times, negative thoughts are a person's biggest enemy. Once a person is infected with negative thinking, dreary states of existence attack the mind and the heart multiplying like bacteria that release swarms of toxic thoughts inflicting the person intense and unrelenting feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness.

The human mind has the capacity to evolve. It is possible to direct and use the mind's control capabilities to modify one's thoughts and change the way one thinks. If you think you are not OK with your present situation, take a look around you. Think about each element of life that you see and ponder on their simple purpose, their unimportant imperfections, their innate beauty, and their great possibilities. Think about the positive qualities of everything you see, hear, smell and feel. If you are into reading, read inspiring and motivational books like Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and The Greatest Miracle In The World by Og Mandino. If you are into movie watching, watch inspiring films like Life is Beautiful and The Pursuit of Happyness. I especially recommend a very old movie entitled “It's a Wonderful Life”. In this movie, a despairing man was shown what life would have been like if he never existed. As you pump your mind with positive thoughts, you may start to feel better.

After flooding your mind with all the positive thoughts that you can capture around you, take a look at your problem or situation. Look at it for what it really is. Sometimes, people tend to exaggerate their problem or situation until they encounter another person who was faced with greater adversity but managed his or her difficulties and went on to live a happy and fulfilling life. This world is filled with people who overcome seemingly hopeless problems and situations and emerged as courageous victors.

Recognize your problem and put it in the proper perspective. Think of solutions. If there are no solutions, think of ways to positively manage your problem or situation. It is important that you take charge to solve or manage your problem.

You may not be able to control what happens in your life, but you can craft your response. There are negative and positive reactions to a problem. Focus on positive reactions - reactions that hold the greatest possibility of improving yourself, the people around you and your environment. Instead of becoming bitter, make yourself better. Solutions are never found by running away from a tough situation. What makes ordinary people remarkable is their extraordinary amount of determination. Remember that nobody can totally fail for as long as he or she dares to try to do something worthwhile. Turn to God and pray for strength to endure whatever is ahead in life's uncertain road. There is no substitute for unwavering faith in God. Good things happen to people who have faith in themselves and in God and in the ideas that God gives them. Pray for God's guidance.
When you consider all of the positive reactions, you can start taking positive steps to get out of your rut. Don't wait for God to do something or for someone to come to your rescue. You alone are personally responsible for managing your situation. Don't expect anybody else to do it for you. Recognize what you can do and take action. If you expect others to rescue you, you may be disappointed or you may even become cynical and bitter.

While you are responsible in taking steps to address your problems, it does not mean that you may not ask for help. In fact, seek out for help whenever you need it. Don't deprive yourself from the help that is available. Proud people are inclined to withdraw. Share your goals and your needs with others. You will be surprised at how help will come to you and your problem will be managed.

If you are not OK, flush out your negative emotions and immerse yourself in positive thoughts. Take action to transform your problems into creative experiences. Set goals to whirl your scars into stars.

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