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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Human Desire: What If You Were Granted A Wish?

Your wish may say a lot about you. Whatever your wish is, remember to wish wisely.

Most people's wishes are expressions of the desires of their heart – what they want to become, what they love most to do or accomplish, who they want to be with, or where they envision to spend most part of their life. Some people's wishes are perceived solutions to their present problems or predicaments – to have enough or more money, to have perfect health, to develop an outstanding skill, to have flawless beauty, or to gain true and lasting friends. Others wish to punish those who have wronged them – their enemies' failures, sufferings, or misfortunes.

A wish is an expression of human desire borne out of the wisher's current situation and emotional state. A wish can spill out the wisher's inner conflicts. Human desire changes with external conditions and internal thoughts and emotions. Gradually for some while abruptly for others. As a person grows older, his or her perspective in life changes with, probably, a more flexible attitude, a better prioritization, and a deeper understanding of one's self.

If you are granted a wish, wish for something positive. Wish no harm to one's self and to others. Wish not out of negative emotions such as anger and envy. Sometimes, a person desires things that he or she already knows to be wrong based on his or her values. Giving in to such desires can lead to some serious consequences. Evil begets evil. If you desire for something that you realize is harmful to anyone including yourself, you can control that desire in the same way that you can control your thoughts that develop malicious desires.

If you are granted a wish, yield not to your desire to control others. Instead, make a wish on some end state where you are able to take control of your own life. Wish for personal growth and deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions and behavior.

Wish for an end state rather than the means to reach that desired end state. There are several ways to get to a certain destination. Some roads may not take you to where you desire to go. If you desire to be a famous writer, do not wish for a book that you have just finished writing to get published. Getting that book published may not make you a famous writer.

Wish for an end state that you can picture in you mind. If you wish to be happy, visualize the situation that makes you happy and wish for that condition in life.

There is one consistent and compelling desire among most humans and that is the desire to be more than what they are at the moment, a desire to increase their boundaries, a desire to be more, to accomplish more, to know more, to reach more, a desire for continuous growth.

If you are granted a wish, you will surely wish for more. Instead of being granted a single wish, learn from Richard Bach's passage in his book Illusions: The Adventures Of A Reluctant Messiah:

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true.
You may have to work for it, however.

Set your goals to make your wishes come true. Work with whatever comes your way to achieve your desired end state. Give up ideas of what should be. Instead, find ways with what are to become what they need to be to make your wishes come true.

So what if you are not actually granted a wish. Though genies and wishing stones remain to be a myth, you have witnessed, read about, or heard of wishes coming true. Act on your wishes, and make them come true.

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